Infertility & Traditional Chinese Medicine
The Western Medical system does have a lot to offer when faced with the issues of fertility, but what happens when nothing is wrong? If...
Can Acupuncture & Herbs treat a Mental condition?
Acupuncture can help with that muscle or joint pain, but can it really help with a mental health condition such as Anxiety or Depression?...
7 Ways to Balance Hormones Naturally
Most people know of hormones and understand that we need them, but most people couldn't tell you what they do for us or how to fix an...
Acute VS Chronic Treatment Protocols
It can be a tough call to know exactly how many treatments each individual client will need. They each look at me with hopeful eyes...
Drugs VS Herbs. What is the better choice?
Remember those 80's TV commercials saying "This is your brain on drugs!" and then it would splat an egg in a frying pan to try and scare...
Acupuncture, is it a Placebo or Proven Effect?
This actually happens to me more than you would think, where a patient comes in and receives a beneficial treatment of Acupuncture, and...
What to Expect During an Acupuncture Visit!
My Very First Blog post! It's very much like your first experience in receiving an Acupuncture treatment. My hands are a little clammy, I...